Hiring Process
Thank you for your interest in School District #64. When positions do become available, and we have not filled them internally, we advertise on this site and online through Make a Future.
Candidates who apply to Make a Future do not need to fill out a paper application or mail/courier any information to the district office.
Gulf Islands School District accepts applications for specific job postings only.
As this is a small district, resumes received for an unspecified posting will be kept on file for three months.
Teachers Teaching on Call:
SD64 welcomes applications. Click here for more information.
Support Staff:
Support staff positions are non-teaching positions and include:
- Clerical & Library
- Bus Drivers
- Building Service Workers
- Educational Assistants
- Maintenance and Grounds
- Technology Technicians
School District 64 Gulf Islands seeks qualified, experienced sub-casual employees in multiple support staff positions.
Gulf Islands School District does not accept resumes for unspecified postings. Applications for specific postings should include a cover letter stating the position and a detailed resume including three work professionals' references.
If you are applying for Educational Assistants positions only, please complete our Educational Assistant Application Form