HVAC Systems
HVAC Systems Overview
When it comes to working to keep our schools as safe as possible, there are many layers of protocols and practices that are working together. One of the measures we have in place are our ventilation systems, that are being carefully kept in good working order, to maximize the amount of outside air entering our schools and classrooms.
Our Facilities team has been working exceptionally hard to make sure our schools are maximizing our systems at each site. Here are some things to know about ventilation in SD64 schools:
- With proactive years of upgrading our HVAC systems, we are meeting or exceeding the recommended standards.
- All filters are monitored and replaced on a regular schedule throughout the year.
- Our Facilities team ensures that we continue to run our ventilation at full capacity, as we maximize the circulation of outside air at each school.
Below are completed overviews of the systems at each school:
Related Links
- Worksafe
- Workers Advisors Office
- Anaphylaxis and EpiPen Information Video Clip