Anti-Racism Action Plan
The Gulf Islands School District is dedicated to fostering each student's growth and well-being within a safe, responsive, and inclusive learning community. We recognize that Indigenous, Black, and people of color may encounter inequities within the current education system, and we are committed to taking action to create more equitable and inclusive learning environments.
In January 2023, the B.C. government launched the provincial K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan to support school districts in their commitment to anti-racism initiatives in their school communities. The Action Plan is a multi-year framework meant to directly address racism in education and includes six priority areas of action: Community Voice, Removing Barriers, Raising Awareness, Collaborative Change, Capacity Building, and School Support.
The plan empowers students and staff to take action to address acts of racism and discrimination at school. The ultimate goal of the action plan is to dismantle systemic racism and create school communities that welcome and support people of all backgrounds.
Download the K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan.