Work Experience
Work Experience 12A and 12B are year-long 4 credit elective courses that are taken outside the timetable. Open to grade 10,11 or 12 students, an interview with school counselors or career teachers is required to enroll.
- Through 100 hours of on the job training and approximately 10 hours of classroom assignments, WEX courses provide students with the opportunity to participate in, observe or learn the tasks and responsibilities related to an occupation or career.
- Work Experience courses are a perfect way to enhance or deepen a student’s skill set pertaining to any career area.
- Work Experience courses are a perfect way to enhance or deepen a student’s skill base regarding any career area.
Fire Camp
Fire Camp is a week-long program occurring annually during Spring Break. The program alternates locations, one year on Pender Island, and alternate years at Metchosin on Vancouver Island.
Students attending Gulf Islands Secondary School are encouraged to complete an application form and apply to Pender Island Fire Rescue for this amazing experience. Students need to express their desire to participate by the third week in September each year. Those accepted into the program also enroll in a Work Experience course so that credit can be granted for the hours of training completed.
This program fits well for students wishing to pursue careers in emergency services or who want an extreme leadership experience.
Royal Canadian Marine Search And Rescue (RCM-SAR) Junior Crew Training Program
The Junior Crew Program offers students between the ages of 14 – 19 the opportunity to learn marine first aid, electronic navigation, VHF radio operation, practical seamanship and the operation of a Fast Response Craft. Students earn Pleasure Craft Operator Certificates (PCOC), VHF Radio Operators Certificate (ROCM), Basic Marine First Aid, as well as navigation skills, boat handling, anchoring, weather conditions (meteorology) and man overboard training. The course has a classroom component plus several sessions of On The Water training aboard the Station 25 FRC ‘Amara Gabriel’.