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Committee of the Whole

The Committee of the Whole is one of four Standing Committees of the Board of Education.

Terms of Reference


The Committee of the Whole meets to carry out duties assigned to it by the Board, without exercising the powers of the Board. The Committee of the Whole provides an opportunity for full discussion of the topic and to make recommendations to the Board.

Nature of the CommitteeStanding Committee of the Board
  • School District No. 64 trustees (7) 
  • Superintendent and/or designate (non-voting)
  • Secretary Treasurer and/or designate (non-voting)
ChairpersonThe Board Chairperson will serve as Chair
Partner and Representative Groups
Comments and input from a representative from (non-voting):
  • Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 788 
  • District Parent Advisory Council 
  • Gulf Islands Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association (GIPVPA)
  • Gulf Islands Teachers’ Association (GITA)
  • Indigenous Education Advisory Council 
  • All trustees are members (no appointment required
  • Representatives are identified by the organization they are representing
SecretariatExecutive Assistant to the Board
MeetingsMeetings will be scheduled a minimum of two times per year, or as needed due to workload. Agendas with supporting materials will be circulated to the committee and partner/representative groups, five days in advance of each meeting.
QuorumSame as for the Board: a majority of the trustees holding office at the time of the meeting.


The Committee of the Whole supports Board governance with:

  • strategic planning community relations;
  • annual school calendars and the Board’s annual calendars;
  • professional learning/in-service; and
  • other such items as determined by the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Superintendent and/or Secretary Treasurer.

Reporting Mechanism

High-level minutes of all meetings will be provided to the Board. No decisions will be made by the Committee of the Whole. Work done in committee may be forwarded to the Board for its consideration. Recommendations of the Committee of the Whole will not take effect unless acted upon by the Board through a motion passed at a constituted meeting of the Board.

Committee of the Whole Terms of Reference.pdf

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