Professional Learning
Professional learning encompasses Professional Development (Pro-D), Professional Growth (Pro-G), and Mentorship opportunities for teachers in SD64.
All teachers in the district, including TTOCs, are eligible to apply for up to $500 per year in each of the Professional Development and Professional Growth Individual programs. School or district groups may also apply for Pro-D and Pro-G funding. For both Pro-D and Pro-G, funding is available as long as the pools of money last.
Pro-D funds are generally used for individual events such as conferences and workshops, whereas Pro-G funds may be accessed in order to support long-term educational goals.
Terms and funding for Pro-D and Pro-G are set out in our Collective Agreement in Article F.20 Professional Development and Growth.
There are many opportunities for Professional Development in SD64, including individual, school, and district activities. Professional Development is coordinated by a Committee. The committee is responsible for setting policy, informing members of opportunities within our district, and planning the District Professional Development Day. We have five Professional Development Days assigned in our calendar: three school-based days, one provincial day, and the teacher planned District-wide Professional Development Day.
To apply for Pro-D funds, follow the steps below:
- Fill in the application form, including the ‘Estimated Expenses’ column, and send it to the Pro-D Fund Administrator via school mail, fax or email. Send the form at least two weeks before the event. The application form will be signed, given a number and sent back to you.
- Apply for TTOC coverage if needed. To do so, fill out a Leave of Absence form, noting the Pro-D event you wish to attend. Get the signatures of your school principal and the Pro-D fund administrator before you send the form to Dispatch at the School Board Office.
- After the event, complete the ‘Actual Amount’ column on the original form and return, original receipts attached, to the Pro-D Fund Administrator in hard copy via school mail. (Note that financial auditors will require a hard copy.) Please note the expense overview that is provided at the bottom of the form.
- Professional Development Application Form (updated November 2023)
- GITA Professional Development Website
Professional Growth (Pro-G) is a collaborative effort between the Board of Education and the Local to aid teachers in their professional growth and advancement. The Professional Growth Committee consists of two GITA members, two trustees, and the Superintendent or their designate as the Chairperson.
Defined by the concept of growth, the fund is designed to assist teachers in achieving their professional objectives. Unlike Professional Development (Pro-D) funds, which are available for specific workshops or other isolated learning activities, Professional Growth funds are allocated to support teachers in pursuing planned, long-term goals.
How to Apply for Pro-G Funds:
- Read the Professional Growth Application Guidelines.
- Fill in a Pro-Growth Application form (Individual Programs or Groups) and send it to Anna Szul.
- The Pro-Growth Committee will consider the application. If approved, the application will be signed, given a number, and sent back to the member. If it is not approved, an explanation will be provided.
- Read the Professional Growth Reimbursement Information.
- Submit a Professional Growth Expense Form to Anna Szul.
2024/2025 Schedule
Pro-G applications are accepted in up to three cycles each year if funds remain available. The intake schedule for 2024/2025 is as follows:
Mentorship funding is designed to support teachers in classroom situations. This support may include addressing emergent or ongoing management issues, providing guidance on specific pedagogical questions, or aiding in the implementation of specific programs. The program is structured to offer personalized, direct, and short-term mentorship opportunities, ensuring flexibility and choice, which are reflected in the application form.
List of all forms of mentorship within SD64
1. Professional Growth Mentorship
This mentorship program is an opportunity for teachers to work with a colleague. This is open to any teacher and consists of a mentor and mentee. Mentors receive up to two days release time and mentees one day. May be applied for any time of the year. This form of mentorship is funded through Pro-G.
To apply for mentorship:
- The mentee will fill out an application form. (form currently under revision Jan 20, 2021)
- Send to the Professional Development Chair; cc to Superintendent
2. Mentoring: Peer Support Service from BCTF
This Peer Support Service is designed to provide direct, individual assistance to active teachers who are experiencing difficulty with their teaching practice and may be on plans of assistance or personally concerned.
Peer Support Services Additional Information
3. Mentoring: Site-Based
Site-based mentoring is assigned by a principal to support a teacher. Timelines vary, and the costs come from the District.
4. Mentoring: New Teacher Mentoring Program
The New Teacher Mentoring Program is for teachers in the district transitioning into the profession within their first five years of practice. Teachers who have more than five years of experience are welcome to submit an application for consideration by the committee. The New Teacher Mentorship program is overseen by a district steering committee that includes Gulf Islands Teachers’ Association members, Principals and Vice Principals, and administration staff. The costs are covered by Pro-G, the District, and the Local.
New Teacher Mentoring Program—Information and Application Forms