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Board of Education

Standing Committees

The Board of Education recognizes committee work as a valuable means of gathering input from rightsholders and partner groups, and has established four standing committees to advise and assist the Board in its decision-making processes. In accordance with Policy 1.40 Board Committees, standing committees do not exercise the rights, duties, or powers of the Board, and any finding reported by a standing committee are acted upon through approval from the Board. The Standing Committee meeting schedule for the year is posted on the School Board Meetings page of the website.

The Board has adopted Terms of Reference for each of the following Standing Committees:

Committee of the Whole meets to carry out duties assigned to it by the Board, without exercising the powers of the Board. The Committee of the Whole provides an opportunity for full discussion of the topic and to make recommendations to the Board.

Membership: All Trustees

Education Committee provides direction for learning, supports and promotes student achievement and well-being initiatives, and advises the Board on issues relating to the development of, review of or change to an education program.

Membership: Nancy Macdonald (Chair), Jeannine Georgeson, Deborah Luporini

Finance, Audit, and Facilities Committee provides accountability for the business aspects of district operations. The Committee assists the Board in its financial oversight by monitoring and reviewing the risk, control, and governance processes that have been established in Board policies. Note: Terms of Reference for this committee are currently draft only, and not yet approved by the Board of Education.

Membership: Greg Lucas (Chair), Jeannine Georgeson, Rob Pingle

Policy Committee identifies the need for new policies, considers new policy and the need for revisions/amendments to existing policy, enhancing the effectiveness of Board governance.

Membership: Deborah Luporini (Chair), Chaya Katrensky, Rob Pingle 

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